Be Prepared
Photo Credit: Mike Harding
by Katie Harding
In Peter’s first letter, he told believers, “Be ready at any time to give a quiet and reverent answer to any man who wants a reason for the hope you have within you.” Have you ever thought about what you would say if someone asked about your hope? We each have our own story about how God has impacted our lives, so our answers may be as varied as we are.
Yet, as I continue to read and reread the story of the Road to Emmaus, I can’t help but wonder if the way early believers answered didn’t vary at all.
Cleopas and another disciple (thought to be his son or his wife, Mary, the sister of Jesus’ mother) were headed home. It’s what you do when the party is over. You go home. Even Peter, after seeing the tomb empty except for the linen wrappings, “…went home wondering at what had happened.”
They believed Jesus would be the one to redeem Israel, but they figured it wrong, so they thought. It wasn’t going to happen, at least not by the One whom they had hung their hope.
We often claim to have hope because Jesus died on the cross for our sins. But His sacrifice didn’t fill these early believers with hope at all. It made their hearts hurt, and probably their heads too, as crying often does. They were going home disappointed, dejected, and deep in discussion.
Jesus’ death turned their worlds upside down and left them feeling hopeless, instead of hopeful. It was His life - His resurrected life - that changed everything. Once they discovered He was alive, they became excited and energized. In fact, within the hour, they made a return trip to Jerusalem and probably ran the seven miles this time. They had hope.
Many in Judea during the Roman occupation died by crucifixion, but Jesus is the only one who rose from the grave. He’s the only one who has ever been crucified and resurrected. Ever.
His resurrection made everything true — everything He taught — from the ability to pray for our enemies, have mercy on our neighbors, and love one another. We can live in the Kingdom of God here on earth – it’s ALL true.
Christ our Lord has risen and defeated death, and we can live an abundant life in the reality of that truth. Peter said to be prepared with an answer for the hope that is within. I know what my answer would be. Do you?
Scripture References (Phillips): 1 Peter 3:15, Luke 24:12-35.