Aren't We on Fire?


We are excited to share a poem written by Jan Brinson. 

Her poem is based on Jeremiah 20:9 : "But if I say, 'I will not remember Him or speak anymore in His name,' then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I am weary of holding it in, and I cannot endure it."

That burning in our beings after hearing from God is what helps us to distinguish His voice from all others.

"Aren't We on Fire?"


When God steps in and whispers life into us,

Aren't we on fire?

As we read His words that penetrate our being....

As He lights our paths and calls our names....

Aren't we on fire?

To hear Him speak into our souls

Words that non-believers will never understand

Words that delight us, bring us joy

Words of understanding that light our way

Words of love and comfort....

Aren't we on fire?


He lights the fire within us

So, we can share what He brings:

Life eternal

Loving grace

Promises we can show; we can tell......

He knows MY name....

He wants for me to know Him, to tell of Him

To take the fire He started in my heart

And pass it on just like the torch in a relay....

A torch that will light an eternal flame

So, everyone we meet will be on fire for Jesus.


Aren't we on fire?

Let's shine that light

So, the whole world

Will be on fire too

In His word!


Amen and Amen!!!


Written by Jan Brinson, July 2021

Jan is a member at Columbia Baptist Church in Falls Church. She has two sons, seven GRANDchildren and one GREAT GRANDchild. She's been working in women’s ministry over fifteen years, having led many Bible studies and as a Mentor Mom for MOPS. She loves to study GOD’s word and encourage others to do the same.
*photo courtesy of Maxim Taejer, Unsplash

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