Free Popsicle Friday

by Michele Husfelt on September 2, 2024

So many cars whizzed by, barely slowing to the 25 MPH limit. I was discouraged, reminding myself I missed the group prayer before the event and hadn’t even prayed for this opportunity to connect with the commuters returning home that afternoon.

With the recent passing of my mom, I was still teetering between the ability to be social and the longing for seclusion. I would rather have been lying on my couch, to be honest.

I hid my face behind a “free popsicle” cardboard sign and dutifully waved to the passing cars. Very few pulled into the drive to cash in on the deal of the day, and a handful slowed enough for us to toss them an icy treat as they continued their drive.

A few comments were made by the other church members about the number of smiles and waves received from those passing by. Even if we weren’t “selling” out of popsicles, at least we seemed to be making people smile.

A neighbor we hadn’t met walked over. We knew of the recent passing of her mother, and she and I began to talk. I offered my condolences but didn’t mention my recent loss. As we continued our conversation and she talked about the process of grief for her and her sister, I felt led to share that I, too, had just lost my mom. The connection was instant. We talked a few more minutes with the promise to get together again. This neighbor (and new friend) shared how grateful she was to see us bringing our community together. “It really warms my heart,” she added. As she walked away, I knew I had been seen by God.

A short time later, a Ford Excursion pulled in with two wiggly children in the back seat. They live a few doors down and we’ve connected a few times but have been praying for more conversations. This family consists of two dads and these two precious children. We had a great conversation and as they drove away, we thanked God for another chance to connect with them.

Not too long after, a new neighbor who moved in a month ago, walked by with her two giddy golden retrievers. As she approached, she made the comment, “I don’t know how many popsicles you’ve given away, but I sure have seen a lot of smiles and waves!” We were grateful for the opportunity to meet her and felt a little wink from God.

About that time, two children we’ve been praying will start attending church, got off the school bus and came down with their mom to help pass out popsicles. They were thrilled to wave the signs and sample the goods, and we were delighted for another opportunity to connect with them.

A few minutes later I noticed my husband (the preacher) talking with a truck driver who stopped and chatted for quite a while. I overheard them talking about church on Sunday and my husband inviting him to our service.

A young mom who attends our women’s Bible study drove through with her two boys, who eagerly awaited a chance to choose their favorite color of popsicle. When I told her of our plans to begin children’s church in the fall, she was excited for the opportunity to start bringing her kids.

The popsicles were tasty, but we realized they were just a ploy God used to make several meaningful connections that day. We will probably never know the rest of the stories of the smiles and waves, and the impact a little rural church with free popsicles made that day. But we know God sees our tiny efforts to love our tiny community.