His Story

by Katie Harding on April 25, 2022

This year Easter was a different kind of day. Unlike any previous Easter, it felt as if Jesus unleashed life with greater significance than ever before. It was as if God brought various passages of His Story together and reordered them in such a way that it has given greater clarity about who we are in Christ: the True Israel.

Rereading some of Jesus’ thoughts, Paul’s letter to the Romans, and the prophecy of the Gentiles becoming part of God’s family in the second half of Isaiah has been paradigm-shifting. It’s helped me to more fully understand that we are children of the Promise — the True Israel — Gentile believers coming together in Christ with Jewish believers.

I never realized God said He was giving His children a new name. But knowing our name and understanding our identity makes all the difference. Learning that I am a part of the True Israel means I am no longer reading a story about others’ lives but reading a story of my life…and yours. It’s understanding the life that was prophesied is the life we live or are to live. Not only the life of a distant people in another time, but the life we have today because of Jesus.

In the past, our story felt segregated — similar to looking at individual puzzle pieces all separated from one another. Now all the pieces seem to come together to form an incredibly clear picture. It’s not about seeing God in our story, but seeing us in His. The love, the sacrifice, the grace. Thank you, Jesus.