A Collaborative Blog

A few of our writers escaped to the mountains and spent a few days writing and encouraging each other in community. Enjoy a few reflections…

Away and a Mountain by Michele Bowden

You know how you always want to make the time but don’t find the time? Life gets in the way of who you are and what you want to share with the world.

People want your time. They aren’t necessarily cheering you on to help you find the time to chase your dreams.

Sometimes carving out that time is the only answer.

We needed away and a mountain.

We took time to step away from the mundane and get a different point of view. We built expectation and anticipations. Even so, we didn’t have any idea what He had planned.

He planned adventures in conversations. He planned quiet moments without noise. He planned new friendships and heartfelt connections. He planned for us to meet with Him.

From a conversation in an airport, we planned our escape and He planned to exceed our expectations!

We all needed away and a mountain.

No Word by Del Brown

I wish I could get back the time I spent this morning searching for one word to describe the Writer’s Retreat. After an hour I realized it was a futile search. No one word could ever describe the childlike excitement I felt when my friend’s car pulled into my driveway. The anticipation as we ascended the trail leading to our meeting place. The warmth and love I felt as I was being hugged by the other ladies waiting for us when we arrived. The sweet, clean air I breathed or the picturesque scene of the mossy green grass and the sundrenched trees. There was not one word for the sweet aroma of each meal we ate or the welcoming smiles of the staff that prepared them. Not even a word to describe the sound of the crystal clear, rushing water that came down the side of the mountain seemingly taking away all the busyness of life so we could just be. Nothing to describe the loving way God led every conversation, giving us insight, direction and clarity. I couldn’t find a word because it was all so amazingly breathtaking.

Reflect by Stuart Meyer

After reflecting on our writer’s weekend, I am full of joy because of what God did. He enabled us to relax in Him. Why am I so humbled and surprised? I don’t know, but He did so much more than I asked or imagined.

He met us, in His word, in nature, in friendship, and in our hearts.

May we always relax in His love and plans for us, because He will always do more than we ever ask or imagine in our hearts and lives. Why? So that we can reflect His glory!

Five Miles of Refreshment by Adria Wilkins

Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Charlottesville, VA is a five mile stretch of The Little Piney River flowing around each bend and turn in the road. The river runs through Crossroads Camp that provides rest, refreshment, reflection, and refuge for hundreds of souls each year.

There is nothing little about this river. At the top of the mountain the water runs briskly over massive boulders the size of dump trucks. The water running over the rocky terrain echoes with sounds of God’s peace and comfort.

As you walk through the camp, you can hear the powerful river flowing. I was reminded that God’s love and care for me continues to flow non-stop during my busy and restful times.

Psalm 96:11 says, “Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it.”

Psalm 98:7 says, “Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”

As I was reading through these Psalms, the word resound caused me to pause. It means to fill a place with sound; be loud enough to echo.

I was captivated by the river because I could hear the echo of His love for me. I rejoiced with tears at the sound and beauty of His creation.

Together in Solitude by Michele Husfelt

The tension was palpable the first evening we gathered. New friends not yet known to each other, yet keenly aware of The Creator of Community beginning a work to unite the hearts of those He had called to gather. A common love of words, a need for a mountain top, and the desire to bend the knee to allow God to write our stories. Relaxing in Jesus through the process of being formed, writing and reflecting His goodness and faithfulness, and inviting Jesus to revise our hearts as He refines us in the process.

The tension remained as we longed to be with Jesus to write, yet the excitement of being together and sharing our stories, and entering into each other’s became a constant pull.

Indeed, God spoke through the silence, through each other, through the rushing waters, through those who served us, through our penned words, and through His Spirit who did exceedingly more than we could have imagined; our stories for His glory.

Reflections? by Mariah Stevenson

Do they have to be profound? Some pensive postulations persuading people to ponder? Or, could it possibly be simple humble gratitude?

Gratitude... for a friendly invitation...

Gratitude... for perfect timing and coordinated schedules ...

Gratitude... for safe travels, an audiobook, and clean restrooms along the way....

Gratitude ... for changed expectations and a dose of humility...

Gratitude... for familiar faces but new comfort zones...

Gratitude... for quiet spaces, sunshine and wifi...

Gratitude... for Honest conversations about REAL life and for long prayed for connections...

Gratitude... for ears and hearts that listen to laughter, fears, ambitions, doubts, and rushing water...

Gratitude... that Whimsy has space to roam in HIS ordered world, but she must not lack Wisdom...

Gratitude... that Trusting in HIM looks like Relaxing in HIM... and that is PEACE.

To view additional photos of our 2022 Writers Retreat, click here.