Leave Time for Adventure

by Michele Husfelt on June 24, 2024

(A few NorthStar women attended a conference last week in Indianapolis; this is one of the many serendipitous smiles from God we received...)

A few friends and I were recently in another town for a women’s conference. The last morning as we made our way to the convention center, we meandered through the adorable neighborhood where we were staying, assured by Honey Buns (our GPS) we were on the quickest route to our destination.

Recently, commiserating with an unnamed daughter of mine who was (wrongly, according to her) accused of not coming to a completely complete stop in her neighborhood and received a stiff fine, I was extra cautious to adhere to the 25mph speed-limit and set back at each stop sign. However, as I passed by an eye-catching, beautifully painted garage door, I lost all sense of orderly driving and backed up in the middle of the road to take better notice of this unusual art. It was breathtaking. A few seconds passed before I realized I was blocking a jeep from pulling out of the alley on the opposite side of the road. I quickly pulled forward and as they rounded the corner and I profusely apologized via hand charades, they put their window down and began to tell us “The rest of the story.”

Not only was this garage painted, but there were more! They explained that several garages had been decorated, a few by local artists but the majority by an artist from Venice Beach, California. At that point, I parked the car and jumped out, hoping my faithful friends would forgive my spontaneous decision and chalk it up to my addiction to impromptu experiences. Thankfully, all four doors opened, and all girlfriends followed suit splendidly.

We were awed and amazed. We mosied from one property to the next, up and down the first alley, as we attempted to capture with our phone cameras the gorgeous flowers and images spray painted on garage doors, side panels, and wooden fences. We noticed one across the street as the alley extended another block. With “oohs” and “aahs” and several “look, there’s another one!” we made our way up and down, reading several plaques with descriptions about the murals along the route. One responsible friend eventually convinced us we needed to resume our journey to the convention center, so back in the car we climbed and off we went.

The conversation continued for miles about how beautiful the paintings were, the creativity and thought that birthed each one, and the uniqueness they contributed to what would have been an otherwise alley of boring garage doors. Perhaps the most meaningful thought was how this endeavor must have united all the neighbors. Not only would it have been a substantial financial commitment for each homeowner, but we imagined the conversations and collaboration it must have taken to decide whose door would convey which “Be” attitude, and which flower best conveyed each sentiment. (Be kind; Be celebrated; Be curious; Be active; Be peace; Be grateful; Be bold; Be love; Be remembered; Be the Change; Be joyful; Be unforgettable, etc.)

We arrived at our conference ready to discover more exciting glimpses of the holy. Grateful we took the time for an unexpected adventure, I was thankful for the reminder to include margin in my schedule, and always be on the lookout for serendipitous smiles God loves to gift along the way.