Making Changes Stick
by Katie Harding on January 3, 2022
Have you ever made a resolution at the beginning of January only to find it was hard keeping it for very long? Why do we let go of those new practices we want to put in place or forgo the promises we’ve made to ourselves? Why don’t the changes stick?
Ten years ago, on January 1, 2012, Darrin Patrick, our daughter’s pastor at the time, explained why it’s a challenge to bring about change through resolutions. His thoughts were so impactful they created a paradigm shift in my life which led me to stop making resolutions then and there.
Darrin indicated that resolutions don’t usually stick because they’re about making an outward modification to our behavior without making any inward change. Real transformation happens internally first, before it’s demonstrated externally. A change of heart yields a change of action, and it’s the Spirit who helps heart change to happen. We generally can’t do it on our own with a resolution.
Instead of being focused on resolutions, Darrin said that for real change to occur, we need to focus on repentance. Resolutions are about behavior modification. Repentance is about heart transformation. Resolutions are about will-power. Repentance is about will-surrender. Resolutions are about flesh energy. Repentance is about Holy Spirit energy. Resolutions are about trying. Repentance is about training. When we focus on resolutions, our concern is about what we are or are not doing. When we focus on repentance, it’s about what we are becoming.
Repentance means to turn away from. It’s like doing a one-eighty — turning away from something to turn toward something else. When Jesus started His ministry, he began with “…the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). He was calling the children of God to turn from their sins and turn to trusting that the Kingdom of God was available for all people. He was calling them to a new way of life under the daily rule and reign of God.
Often God will give individuals a “word” for the year – something that keeps coming to mind or showing up. The word might be a thought or phrase He wants us to focus on and study. But have you ever wondered: If God is calling us to something, what is He calling us away from? That might be an area of repentance to consider. As I type this and think of the phrase God is calling me to focus on this year, I also realize now what He is calling me to turn away from.
We have a whole new year in front us. A whole year for training, transformation, and becoming. Yet, it all begins with repentance. What heart change do you need to make today? Join me in starting this New Year repenting and making a change that will stick.