Making Resolutions
by Katie Harding on January 16, 2023
Recently I was asked to share a resolution I made this year, and in response, I stated rather matter-of-factly that I don't make resolutions anymore. I stopped making resolutions about 10 years ago after hearing our daughter's pastor at the time preach on this topic.
Instead of focusing on resolutions, he said we should start our New Year by focusing on repentance. Then he shared the difference between the two:
Resolutions are about behavior modification. Repentance is about character transformation.
Resolutions are about will-power. Repentance is about will-surrender.
Resolutions are about flesh energy. Repentance is about Holy Spirit energy.
Resolutions are about trying. Repentance is about training.
The Greek word for repentance in the Bible is metanoia, meaning to think differently or to reverse a decision. It’s about changing our minds for the better. I have often heard repent defined as "to turn away from," and I realized it’s referring to a turning of our thoughts as well as our actions; the two are intricately linked because a change of thought will in turn yield a change of action. I think Paul knew this when he encouraged those in Rome to be transformed by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2). He was saying that if we change the way we think, our thoughts will have a transformative effect in the way we act.
“...the two are intricately linked because a change of thought will in turn yield a change of action.”
So, my area of repentance this year is different from any other year. After reading Leonard Sweet’s book I Am a Follower during the holidays, I’ve decided I want to turn from a focus on leading to a focus on following. On the cover of his book, Sweet says, “It's never been about leading.” Jesus is the leader, the rest of us are followers. All of us.
This year I want to focus on following not only what Jesus did, but more so how he did it. I want to follow how Jesus endured difficult people yet kept His peace. I want to follow how Jesus loved His brothers but maintained His boundaries. I want to follow how Jesus suffered insults yet didn’t retaliate in challenging situations. And I want to follow how Jesus integrated sitting with serving, never losing His joy. This is not going to be a year of learning to do things differently, but a year spent learning from Jesus how to think differently as I follow Him.
What do you feel the Lord is calling you to repent of for 2023? Will you join me in this journey?