Stay Hydrated
It’s the stream in the center of the woods that keeps these leaves vibrant and well hydrated.
The stream is now only viewable during seasons when leaves are few.
by Katie Harding on August 5, 2024
“But blessed is the man who trusts me, God, and the woman who sticks with God. They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers—
Never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf, serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit in every season.” —Jeremiah 17:7-8
Every time I read these words, I’m reminded of the little patch of woods in front of our home. Each year blossoms form in the spring, and then leaves push through to provide a plush landscape of green that gently sways to and fro as the spring winds move about our neighborhood.
However, as summer arrives and the days get hotter, the water level begins to drop and soon so do many of the leaves. First they droop, then start turning shades of red and yellow and brown, and then all it takes is a strong wind and they are swirling to the ground.
What’s amazing is even though there is a drought right now and the temperatures are approaching 100 degrees on a daily basis, there are trees in the interior of this little patch whose leaves have remained a vibrant green. The reason is because at the center of the woods is a narrow stream where the waters flow all year long, nourishing those closest to its banks. Even when it looks like there is just a trickle of water flowing around the bends and over the rocks, the vibrant color of the leaves lets you know the water is still ever-present and going down deep into the roots.
With the hottest days of summer now upon us and the temperatures rising rapidly everyday, it is a good time to be reminded to stay “hydrated.” Our level of hydration will make a difference to our own drought-filled days, when nothing seems to go right and if it could go wrong, it generally does. But God reminds us that even in the drought times—the tough times—those who have put down roots close to the “Living Water” are continually nourished and can be free of worry, “bearing fresh fruit in every season.”
As you spend time out in the sun, enjoying the pools, barbecues and time with your family and friends before summer draws to a close, remember to take time to hydrate well!