They Need You. And You Need Them!

A recent conversation with a friend left me a bit disappointed yet intrigued. As we talked about her rededication of faith and the books and online resources she found encouraging, I asked her which church she was attending. She thought for a half-minute and then replied enthusiastically, “Oh, we haven’t really found a church. But we’re watching on TV!”


Certainly through the pandemic, watching church was the way to go. As we were isolated and not able to gather together, this form of worship became a valuable tool for us to carry on some form of joining with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I also agree that online worship continues to be a blessing for those who are shut-in or not able to attend church in person for various reasons. However, community in its purest form will always include seeing each other face-to-face.


I heard a podcast recently from Author and Pastor John Mark Comer about the term online community and how it seems to be an oxymoron. Most definitions of community include people who live near you, whom you see and do life with on a regular basis. Community also refers to a group of people who have something in common. I believe there is validity to an online community. I have a book group I meet with twice a month on Zoom. We regularly do life together, although we are geographically separated.  And we have several things in common. However, they do not take the place of my local in-your-face community. They are in addition to but cannot take the place of being in person and doing everyday life together.


If you are one of many who have not been intentional to return to your local community of believers, I want to encourage you to start this Sunday. The writer of Hebrews encourages us to, “not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).


Not only do you need to be in church to receive, but your church needs you! You have unique insight and gifts no one else can offer. You are a masterpiece God has specially equipped and your church is missing a blessing when you’re not there. So set the alarm clock and get going. Get ready to give and receive what God has for you.