Wanting Jesus

by Katie Harding on November 16, 2021

This week I am still musing over John 20.

When Peter and John raced to the tomb at the prompting of Mary Magdalene, they saw that Jesus was no longer there and believed it was as Mary said. The tomb was really empty. Since they didn’t understand Jesus must rise from the dead, they returned to their homes. But Mary, who was crying so much that it was mentioned four times in five verses, stayed.

It’s usually so much easier to walk away when life disappoints, like Peter and John, than it is to stay in the pain like Mary. To make ourselves feel better, we often withdraw, fill our days with unimportant tasks, or practice avoidance behaviors - like vegging out in front of the TV. Yet, Mary did none of these. In the midst of her pain, Mary was focused on one thing and one thing only — wanting Jesus. And she wasn’t leaving until she found Him.

Years ago, I can remember being at one of my lowest moments and found myself doing the same as Mary — looking through tears for Jesus. What I found is what Mary experienced. When we don’t ignore our pain and look for Jesus in the midst of it, we position ourselves for a profound encounter with Christ.

It changed Mary’s life. It changed my life, and it can change your life too.

Photo: Parastoo Maleki, Upsplash