January 21-27, 2024

Take a few moments to read over Psalm 103. Let it seep into your mind, heart, and soul as you read. If you know the practice of Lectio Divina, this is a good approach. 

If you aren't familiar with Lectio Divina, read over the verses while asking God to show you what He wants to teach you from the words/thoughts. Each time you read through, He might bring a new part of the passages to mind or illuminate a section while giving you greater understanding. This is an ancient practice that Christians have been using to connect with God in a deeper way. 

This week's Bible reading: Psalm 103:13-16

Focus Verse: ""As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him..." (Psalm 103:13).

Prayer Prompts

Day 1: Father's aren't always the perfect example of love, grace, and encouragement. Sometimes they are tough on us, firm in reprimand, and have high expectations. We have to remember that we can't project our earthly father on our heavenly Father who is compassionate. He has love, grace, and encouragement for us. Take a moment to envision your father in Heaven. What is His character? What do you need to hear from Him? 

Day 2: God is Creator of all things. He formed you. What areas of your personality or character do you think he missed? Confess to Him that you are struggling in that area. If you complain about it and don't ask for His help, you are actually criticizing the Creator in the process. Do something different today. Ask for help in creating a new habit or adjusting that area of struggle.

Day 3: Life is short. Do you have any regrets? What have you not yet done or what have you left undone? Take a step today to do something new, make a commitment, and share it with someone else! 

Day 4: Everlasting to everlasting - like a gobstopper! Did you ever have one of those candies? I always tried to bite it too soon. And it hurt. Then, I would think I was being patient and again, I would bite too soon. So, when you think of everlasting, picture it and remember that it's much longer than that. God was and is and is to come! He is everlasting. 

Day 5: The end of verse 17 reminds me of the song, The Blessing. Do you remember that song? It's based on the prayer from Numbers 6:24-26. God will be here from everlasting to everlasting, generation to generation, for our children's children. He will take care of it all. Write a prayer thanking Him for his everlasting nature today. Place all of the worries of life in His hands. 

Prayer Prompts and Bible Readings are provided by Michele Bowden and Lisa Brass, Coaches and Digital Missioners with Visual Faith™ Ministry.
Find them on our Visual Faith Ministries
page, on Instagram @victoryinart and @aworthylif, and on the web at victoryinart.com.

Lectio DivinaMichele Bowden