January 28-February 3, 2024
Take a few moments to read over Psalm 103. Let it seep into your mind, heart, and soul as you read. If you know the practice of Lectio Divina, this is a good approach.
If you aren't familiar with Lectio Divina, read over the verses while asking God to show you what He wants to teach you from the words/thoughts. Each time you read through, He might bring a new part of the passages to mind or illuminate a section while giving you greater understanding. This is an ancient practice that Christians have been using to connect with God in a deeper way.
This week's Bible reading: Psalm 103: 17-22
Focus Verse: "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him... (Psalm 103:17)”
Prayer Prompts
Day 1: A precept is another word for command or law. It's like a tenant that helps us regulate our actions. If we live by God's principles, He will remember us and the covenant He promised us. That's something we can be confident in. Pray today for God to help you love His precepts and obey.
Day 2: When the world gets crazy and chaotic, aren't you grateful that you don't run the world? I am. When the world gets upside down, that doesn't mean that God has fallen off His throne. He is the King of Kings...the one who rules over all. We can have confidence in His kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven. We are part of the tribe of kingdom builders He uses to do the work. Find one way to serve His kingdom today. Share a truth. Pray for someone. Assist someone with paying a bill. Lean into His kingdom.
Day 3: Praise the Lord - today, put on some worship music and praise His name.
Day 4: Praise the Lord - today, go on a prayer walk and praise Him for everything you see that He created!
Day 5: Praise the Lord - today, write a note and put it in the mailbox for a friend who needs encouragement.
Prayer Prompts and Bible Readings are provided by Michele Bowden and Lisa Brass, Coaches and Digital Missioners with Visual Faith™ Ministry.
Find them on our Visual Faith Ministries page, on Instagram @victoryinart and @aworthylif, and on the web at victoryinart.com.