March 31-April 6, 2024
We have now reached Easter for this year. He is Risen! Now let’s reflect on the gift the Father sent us after Jesus’ ascension. The person of the Holy Spirit is the gift. He is the helper, the comforter, advocate, and intercessor. Our goal over the next few weeks is to explore our relationship with Him and to endeavor to get to know Him better.
This week's Bible reading: John 14:16-26
Focus Verse: “the Helper is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him; but you know Him because He remains with you and will be in you.” (John 14:17)
Prayer Prompts
Day 1: Jesus is with the Father and the Father sent the Holy Spirit comes reside in us. He abides with us and is in us. How do you feel about 3rd person of the Godhead being in you? List the feelings that come up and pray about them. Talk to the Holy Spirit about your feelings. Boldly ask God to strengthen your relationship with His Spirit in you.
Day 2: The Holy Spirit has a job and purpose in you. Yet, He will only accomplish His work when you yield. In what areas of your life are you not yielding to the Holy Spirit? Repent and ask Him to help you yield. Commit to cooperate with the Spirit’s work.
Day 3: Helper is another one of Holy Spirit’s assignments this includes comforter, advocate and intercessor. Recall a time that you received the comfort of Holy Spirit. What do you notice before and after receiving His comfort? Thank Him for providing you comfort in your time of need.
Day 4: Imagine Holy Spirit advocating for you to the Father. What do you think the conversation was like?
Day 5: Now imagine Holy Spirit pleading your case to the Father to pardon your sins. What do you hear? Thank Holy Spirit for being your helper, advocate, comforter, and intercessor.
Challenge: Write a letter to the Holy Spirit. Describe the type of relationship you have and the type that you want to have with Him.
Prayer Prompts and Bible Readings are provided by Michele Bowden and Lisa Brass, Coaches and Digital Missioners with Visual Faith™ Ministry.
Find them on our Creative Devotion page, on Instagram @victoryinart and @aworthylif, and on the web at