Giving and Receiving; Right in the Center
by Michele Husfelt on May 2, 2022
When she bowed to give thanks she began by exclaiming, “How kind you are, God, to allow us to be together again…” and I knew this was a holy moment. Continuing the thread of finding kindness in my world this year, she reminded me how kind God has been to give me longstanding friends and mentors who continue to pour into my life.
The last time we saw each other was four years ago. Texts and calls have been few and far between. Yet I think of her often with a grateful heart for the memories we share, the tears shed holding hands in prayer, and the laughter and smiles climbing mountains and sipping tea.
We first met when I was starting a women’s ministry. Confident of the calling, but unsure of the steps involved in the process, she became my mentor and my cheerleader. Together we charted the course as God revealed the plans. We met for lunch dates and became prayer partners, and we watched in amazement as Kingdom work was accomplished.
As she has invested in me, I in turn have the responsibility and privilege to walk alongside others. Sharing what God has taught me, I have purposefully entered other young friends’ lives as they navigate their way forward. Of the many I’ve been blessed to invest in, one that currently stands out is a friend who is busy managing four tiny blessings along with her husband’s military career. Through our friendship, I am often reminded she is in the same stage of life I was 20 years ago.
I call it the “sandwich effect.” Gleaning valuable lessons from women who are a bit further along in the journey is a gift I am grateful God has given me. In addition, I am always looking for those a little younger than myself, be it physically or spiritually, who I can encourage on their road to living more fully like Jesus. I am reminded often the perfect place to be is in the center of giving and receiving. Solely receiving may increase one’s depth of knowledge, but it is in the giving that we are truly blessed, and growth occurs in both our life and the one in whom we’re investing. On the other hand, continually being fed, even good things, does little for our spiritual formation if it’s not shared. Apart from investing in others what the Lord is teaching us, we are left full of information yet empty of contributing to the kingdom and experiencing intimate growth with our Savior.
“Solely receiving may increase one’s depth of knowledge, but it is in the giving that we are truly blessed, ”
Two questions we must consider are these: Who is investing in us, and who are we pouring into? Whether in an official capacity of mentoring or life coaching, or a more natural and organic approach of simply yet intentionally doing life together, let’s spend some time asking God who He has for us to partner with in building His kingdom.
God has designed us to be simultaneously both giver and receiver. So, whether you prefer an Oreo sandwich or ham and cheese, the perfect place to be is right in the center!