Our Day to Remember
Photo credit: Mike Harding
by Katie Harding
Today is the day our country has set aside to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Over the years, we have attended events at the Capitol, been to a special service at the Air Force Memorial, visited the World War II, Korean, and Vietnam Memorials, and walked through Arlington Cemetery numerous times. All of these outings, in addition to re-watching the mini-series "Masters of the Air" or “The Pacific," are our way of remembering — remembering the lives lost for the lives we live; remembering freedom isn’t free and always comes at a cost.
Remembering is what Jesus called us to do as well. Before paying the ultimate price and sacrificing His life for our freedom from sin, Jesus sat with His disciples and said, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22:19b). He was instructing them: Every time you gather at this table — not once a year for a holiday or once a month for communion — but every single time you come together for fellowship around a meal, remember Me. Speak about Me to others. Share what I am doing in your life. Tell what you are learning and where you see Me at work. Remember Me. Remember what I said. Remember what I did. And remember My love for you.
Even though we often use Memorial Day as a launch pad for the summer season, I encourage you to take some time today to remember. Remember those who have served our country well. Remember Jesus. Remember we are called to follow Him. May we, too, be willing to live sacrificially and gift freedom to others.