August 4-10, 2024
This month, we are going to take time to reflect on our Manna Moments.
I have been off for the month of July recovering from a recent surgery. Forced rest is not my preferred activity but I truly felt God's hand upon this surgery - it was fully approved by my insurance, I was out of the hospital faster than expected, I have healed faster than expected, I needed less pain meds than expected, and I have rested better than expected. Hallelujah!
I think the reason why everything went so well was because of what I think I heard God say before my surgery about His manna and because of the prayers of my community. I have learned that God is STILL in the business of healing His people.
What I think I heard God say before my surgery was through a personal devotional I read on manna and two other devotionals I was sent by others on the same topic. I had never really reflected on my own Manna Moments before and now I can't get them off of my mind. I hope the same thing happens for you as you work through these prayer prompts this month.
This week's Bible reading: Exodus 16
Focus Verse: "When the sons of Israel saw it, they said to one another, “What is it?” For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them, “It is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat.” (Matthew 16:15)
Prayer Prompts
Day 1: The name for manna actually means "What is it?" Have you ever received a gift from God but you didn't know what it was or why He gave it? What was it? Thank God for it today!
Day 2: Look up the description of manna from the Bible. Write some notes about what you learn. Pray over your insights.
Day 3: One definition I found said, "Jesus is the “manna” from heaven—the spiritual sustenance we need—and it is promised to us." What do you see as the connection between manna in your life and what Jesus provides? Is there a disconnect? Ask God to make new connections for you between Jesus and His provision
Day 4: Read over the whole chapter of Exodus 16 today and pray that God gives you insight. Note that insight in your journal. Write a prayer from the verses.
Day 5: Draw a picture of what you think the manna looked like. First try without Google and then try searching with Google.
Challenge: Tell someone about what you learned this week.
Prayer Prompts and Bible Readings are provided by Michele Bowden and Lisa Brass, Coaches and Digital Missioners with Visual Faith™ Ministry. Find them on our Creative Devotion page, on Instagram @victoryinart and @aworthylif, and on the web at