March 16-22, 2025
Judges 6 is an epic passage of Scripture that reads like a story. It's a story of faith, testing, and God's presence being made evident in tough circumstances. There are twists and turns and stops and starts. Truly, God's Word is better than any Netflix series. Get excited to learn some new truths from this passage together this month. As we enter into this passage of Scripture, I would encourage you to read the entire passage of Judges 6 upfront. Then, as you come to the verses we look at each week, you will be more familiar with what is happening in the entire passage.
This week's Bible reading: Judges 6
Focus Verses: Judges 6:17-22
Day 1: Verse 17 - Gideon is expressing insecurity and lack of faith in God using him. Again, the Lord doesn't condemn him in these passages. God responds to Gideon's testing. This verse is the first of four tests where God reveals Himself to Gideon. Has there been a time when you tested the Lord? How did He respond?
Day 2: Verse 18 - Gideon's heart is in the right place. He is preparing an offering for the Lord. And the Lord waits upon him. How about them apples? What is the Lord waiting on you for in His patience? Or, on the flip side, what thing have you been complaining about waiting on the Lord's timing?
Day 3: Verses 19 - 20 - God gave Gideon a role to play in the work He was going to do. Isn't it interesting how the Lord includes us? What role is God asking you to play in your faith walk?
Day 4: Verse 21 - The evidence of the Lord's power came in fire in this verse. One of the names of God is Consuming Fire. Reflect on that today. Draw a picture of what you think a Consuming Fire would appear like in your viewpoint.
Day 5: Verse 22 - The Lord reveals Himself fully to Gideon. Think about a time when the Lord revealed Himself to you. What was that like for you? What was the evidence?
Challenge: Take a moment this week to hare where you are in your faith with someone you trust. Share your doubts/fears/hurts and ask for prayer.
Prayer Prompts and Bible Readings are provided by Michele Bowden and Lisa Brass, Coaches and Digital Missioners with Visual Faith™ Ministry. Find them on our Creative Devotion page, on Instagram @victoryinart and @aworthylif, and on the web at