March 9-15, 2025

Judges 6 is an epic passage of Scripture that reads like a story. It's a story of faith, testing, and God's presence being made evident in tough circumstances. There are twists and turns and stops and starts. Truly, God's Word is better than any Netflix series. Get excited to learn some new truths from this passage together this month. As we enter into this passage of Scripture, I would encourage you to read the entire passage of Judges 6 upfront. Then, as you come to the verses we look at each week, you will be more familiar with what is happening in the entire passage.

This week's Bible reading: Judges 6

Focus Verses: Judges 6:11-16

Day 1 : Verses 11-12 - Gideon was hiding his spoils from the Midianites to protect himself. The Angel of the Lord comes on the scene (the translation for this verse indicates "God manifested as a traveler unknown") and commends Gideon as a mighty warrior. Why do you think God chose this moment to affirm him? 

Day 2: Verse 13 - "Why Lord?" It's a question we have all asked. What is your "why, Lord?" question for today? Questioning God is not a problem. Just make sure you are listening to the answer. Oftentimes, we walk away after dropping our questions and don't give God the ear to hear His response. He has an answer for you. 

Day 3: Verse 14 - "Go in the strength you have." Sometimes, I don't feel like I have the strength for the causes I have in my life. I feel I need more stamina, or I want more preparation. "Go in the strength you have." It seems like God is saying...go now, I'll be with you. Or go now, I will provide what is needed. That takes a step of faith. Think about an area of your life where you need to just go in the strength you have and not worry about all of the other parts. Reflect back to God what you think that area may be and invite Him to go with you. 

Day 4: Verse 14 - "Am I not sending you?" We have a call on all of our lives. A call to live like Jesus. A call to be his messengers in a lost world. A call to help the hurting. If you are wondering if God is sending you, He is. Be confident in Him.  

Day 5: Verse 16 - The Lord answered, "I will be with you!" Such a good reminder that He is not a faraway God. He is WITH us! What do you need God's presence and "with-ness" for today? 

Challenge: God changed His direction towards the Israelites and had compassion upon them. Choose someone to have compassion on in an act of service this week.

Prayer Prompts and Bible Readings are provided by Michele Bowden and Lisa Brass, Coaches and Digital Missioners with Visual Faith™ Ministry. Find them on our Creative Devotion page, on Instagram @victoryinart and @aworthylif, and on the web at